Comments on: Things to Do in Salento – Exploring Small Town Colombia Inspiring Informed Travel Mon, 30 Oct 2023 08:48:56 +0000 hourly 1 By: Hannah Sat, 20 Jul 2019 14:18:41 +0000 Hi,
I am planing to go Jardin from Medellin and stay there for a few days. From there I am thinking to go to Salento. What is the best and shortest way to get Salento from Jardin? I know there is not direct bus and it is rough bus ride etc. I met a few travellers lately, they all mentioned Salento becomes very touristy. If I already visited Jardin, do you think I should skip Salento to go somewhere else? I still have two weeks in Colombia. I have do not Cartagena, Santa Marta, Minca, Guatape, Medellin so far. thank you in advance! Regards, Hannah

By: Michael Wed, 06 Apr 2016 14:31:48 +0000 In reply to Pola Zen.

Hi Pola,

It really depends on the sort of accommodations you are looking for! In Salento you will find a more…rustic experience than if you stay in Armenia. You can search for hotel rooms using our Hotels Combined search box on the right hand side of this page (just scroll up!) Hotels Combined searches a wide range of booking sites for best rooms and deals in practically any destination. Personally, we would recommend staying in Salento itself, but we are also very ok with basic hotel stays.

As for getting to Salento, we took a bus there from Medellin, and a bus from Salento to Bogota. It’s not a short journey, so again, it depends on how you would enjoy traveling. There are tour companies that can arrange the entire experience for you in both those cities, of course, if that is how you would prefer to travel.

By: Pola Zen Wed, 06 Apr 2016 14:16:34 +0000 Hi,
We are planning to visit Salento next week. Any tips on where to stay or how to get there from Medellin? I have heard some people stay in Armenia instead. What do you think?
